MFM Youth Ministries

Mad Time – How Much?

Do you know what “mad time” is? It is time we waste when we are mad at others or the world. Road rage is an extreme example of “mad time”. How many lives have been wasted because of a single incident on a highway that took less than five seconds? Yet, when “mad time” takes over, that incident can turn into wasted hours, wasted weeks, and even wasted lives. “Mad time” has a notorious propensity to escalate and keep on escalating, and the capability to turn neighbors, friends, and family members into lifelong enemies. “Mad time” is a vicious gift that keeps on giving. It gives more and more time to continue hating, loathing, and despising others. Nothing is more pernicious or insidious than “mad time”. Of course, you were right, and it was not your fault. Of course, they were being rude, and they should be the one to apologize. But how much time do you waste thinking about what they did wrong and how you were insulted or maligned?

How much time do you waste thinking about what they did wrong and how you were insulted or maligned?

Have you ever sent an email that you wanted to retrieve? Did it cause you problems when you could not retrieve it? How much time did it take to send the email versus the time it cost you to fix the problems you created by sending it? Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? How much time did it take you to make up for this one lapse of patience? This is “mad time” at work. It can consume us and consume the time we could use for helpful activities.

Sometimes, you can never undo the damage that one minute of haste or anger can do. 
Nothing can take back a life that is lost.

Business looks at Costs versus Benefits and it is called a Cost-Benefit Analysis. Perhaps we should have a process for doing a “Mad Time Analysis”. Before we shoot off that angry letter, before we yell at the other driver, before we say those angry words, we should do a cost-benefit on the time it will cost us to make amends or the time that it will take out of our lives to repair the damage our actions might cause. How much time will it save or waste versus the time it took us to be angry and retaliatory? Sometimes, you can never undo the damage that one minute of haste or anger can do. Nothing can take back a life that is lost.

Are you a “mad-aholic”? Do you go off spending mad time and then dealing with it? What if you had less mad time in your life? Can you start reducing your “mad time” by redirecting your anger? What could you do when you are angry rather than retaliate? Think about how much better your life would be with less “mad time”.