MFM Youth Ministries


“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses; the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 
II Timothy 2:2, KJV

Mission Statement

To equip men and women with a Christian worldview of leadership and service in life and ministry and to encourage practical demonstrations of God’s power through specialized Bible training programs.

The MFM Global Training Institute is an online Bible Training platform providing certificates in Bible-based curriculum such as Biblical studies and leadership management, Practical Biblical ministry, Advanced special studies, and Practical deliverance.

We are a 100% online training platform, and our students can complete their programs from anywhere in the world if they have an internet connection. Students can work at their own pace, and we have open enrollment all year long. MFMGM students are Christians from all over the world who have the fortitude and dedication to heed the call of God, hone their skills, sharpen their ministry, and earn their certificate, all while remaining where God has called them to be.

Current Student

New Student


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Youth Connect

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MFM USA Prayer City

10000 Kleckey Dr, Houston, TX 77075

+1 (713) 328-9879